Judi Costanzo


Email: [email protected]
Judi Costanzo was employed for 20 years on the Manchester Township Police Department in New Jersey. Judi was the first Female Officer on the Department serving in the Crime Prevention and Patrol Divisions before retiring in 2001. She was also a volunteer member of New Jersey’s Emergency Management Team, in Ocean County. While on the team Judi served as Chairperson of Help in Emergencies for Livestock and Pets (H.E.L.P), which assisted in developing the procedures for animal evacuations and sheltering during emergencies. The group is still active today.

Judi and her husband Tino relocated to Interlachen in 2005, looking to escape the cold New Jersey winters. After completion of their home in 2006, Judi was looking for community involvement again and started attending Town Council meetings. With her police background she got involved assisting the Chief with the Town’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Judi served on the Town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBOA) from 2007-2010 In 2010, Judi got tired of sitting in the audience at Town Meetings and decided to run for the Council seat left open by a retiring member. She has been on the Council since that time, serving as Council Chairperson from 2011-2013,Vice-Chairperson for 2013-2014, Council Chairperson 2014-2015 and is currently Council Chairperson.

Some of Judi’s accomplishments include instituting and maintaining the Photo Gallery on the Town’s Web Site, having the Town’s Web Site redesigned, suggesting having an annual party honoring the Town’ Volunteers. Judi also has drafted the new Park Ordinance, authored the Town’s new employee Drug/Alcohol Policy,rewrote the Better Place Plan Funds Resolution and instituted changes so Town Meetings are run more efficiently. She also handles most of the Town’s Public Relations by notifying the paper of important events and submitting photos.

In her spare time Judi enjoys spending time with her husband, going to lunch or dinner with friends, taking care of her donkeys and the occasional horseback ride.